The last week was weird, right? I mean really weird. I guess 911 or the days post hurricane equate a little but it’s not quite the same. I mean I have power and ample access to everything I need so it’s like after a hurricane with a 70% chance of weight gain.
In Louisiana, mandatory stay at home orders have been given and while this isn’t great for business I at least know. For a week and weekend I was sure this would be coming, mostly because there were people everywhere ignoring the softer approach to this. We can’t have nice things. It’s been proven time and time again.
At least now I know what to expect and can make a plan and attack. Or at the least, launch. The not knowing was driving me slowly batty as limbo, while a fun 60’s game, is no place to linger.
Isn’t that with everything though. When we know where we are, we can make better choices than when we don’t. We can think through at least from where we are. The stress level lowered a bit. This is where I start. Yes, you might have to stop and go again but it’s better than the alternative.
While some where starting purging their homes and cleaning their garages, I sat and mostly did nothing. Without knowing which direction to take with work, I didn’t want to do anything. My business worldview hasn’t necessarily improved any over the last 24 hours but at the least by knowing food establishments can remain open, I can focus my energy and hustle a little. If nothing comes of it. That’s okay. That’s what I expected but without options.
The act of starting gives us (me) motion and motion fights off the demons. Which will be plentiful. Having a way to move through helps.
Not knowing in any situation adds to unease. “No duh” you say?! I’m just here to point out the obvious.
Looks like another writing streak is in order. I’m firing up the selfie machine and fluffing up my Mohawk for the daily word.
Take care out there. Stay home and make the best of it.