Live again
Over the last week, four of the five businesses I am a full or part owner of have received notification that we will get SBA funding. This is great news on a number of levels, but the single biggest thing it does is allow me to plan for a jumping off point. Do I know what things will look like? No, but I can be ready when it’s time to step up to the edge.
Many people have written about the psychological benefits the pandemic have brought. Yes, I said benefits. The pause. The time to consider our ways. Sure, a ton of unknowns are still out there, but the wise among us should do well to remember the reconnections to ourselves and to those closest to us. And to our dogs. Mostly to our dogs.
My first thoughts upon hearing I was getting assistance was to say “game on!” and attack full force. As of yet. There’s no attacking. This is because I still have things to consider on many levels. Mostly, what do I want to spend my time doing and what do I not want to bring back when the world reboots?
Businesses should take this time to really consider this. For the restaurants I am looking at my team and my systems and where I consistently fall short and making sure I am addressing those things.
For the races, we are being patient. Eventually we will be able to put those on again. How that happens and when will remain to be seen, but our intent is to do so. How can we return better? Maybe smaller, maybe different?
As I approach my 49th birthday I am considering how I want to live the next 30 years of my life. I don’t have all the answers, but again, I am committed to honoring the realizations I have made over the past 7 weeks. Reduce and remove the bad. Embrace that which brings me the opportunity for more happiness and value in my life. I have said out loud “I am not doing that anymore.” Now it’s time to not to.
I am doing my best to look at my world as a blank page. Or at the least a college ruled sheet, each line representing the constructs of my world on March 15th. The stress, the chase, the unhappiness. How can I rewrite on these lines? These are things I have to comply with, but everything is up for the cutting. Pencil over pen, write, consider, erase, rewrite
The isn’t just a “PF reporting on his world post”. The takeaway for you is this.
Remember the good habits you’ve begun.
Remember you said it wasn’t going to be the same when you got back to things.
Remember how good it felt to strip away the bullshit for a bit.
Remember what it felt like to live again.