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A friend made the comment in passing. “Aren’t you a motivational speaker?” In jest and just poking fun. Nonetheless it made me think about what it is I am trying to accomplish. 

Before I go further. The answer is broadly. Yes. Like everything, it’s complicated. 

If I am being nit picky, what all of us consider motivational is a combination of motivation, the desire to do something, and inspiration, the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. My goals have always been to make you think and through that process to then take action. 

Ultimately, you have to want to do it and then go do it. Whether it be exercise, eating right, selecting all and deleting your whole inbox, whatever, and you should get all the credit/fault for your success or lack thereof. I’m just hear to poke the bear.  To relate things I’ve noticed so that you may get better and or achieve what’s in you already. To help remove the mental barriers, because let’s face it, almost everything is mental. 

My buddies comment made me consider if this is some kind of a joke, a made up thing to get attention and to be more liked, and it may be, but it’s more than that. 20 years or so ago I started a journey to make people better. To encourage and create opportunities for people to eat right and get more healthy and fit. Over time I realized we need support in this endeavor and I began to coach. I’ve learned a lot about what makes me tick and hopefully in turn, what ideas are translate-able  to others to help them. There have been hits and misses and that’s okay. It’s how it goes. 

So today, if this gets you out the door to work towards something that’s important to you. I’m glad. Motivational or not. We all need a supportive hand on the back that keeps us walking out the door. 
