
Patrick Fellows is a 5 time Ironman, TEDx giving, 32 miles swimming, endurance coaching, healthy cooking, entrepreneur and musician.  Born in Dearborn, MI, raised in Mississippi and a Louisianian for 30 years, 

An Endurance Father's Day

If you think for a second this list is not self serving, well then you would be wrong.  I will be sending a link directly to my wife, family, friends, and hell, anyone looking for an extra father if I think it may get me some killer schwag for Father's day.  While everyone says that it's the thought that counts, this is like 67% true.  33% is straight up based on coolness factor and how much you spend, the only exception to this being homemade gifts from your kids.  So ladies-take heed. If you have read this blog before, you know that I have to fight the urge to not make lists in every post.  But this bad boy is just aching to be, so without further adieu...

1.  YOLO Stand up paddleboard-$800-1600-  I dig on this so much.  Think large surfboard with a paddle.  You can use this on a lake, bayou, river, ocean, ditch, or wherever there is 18-24 inches of water.  It is so easy my son could paddle by himself at age 5.  Great core workout and peaceful way to see lots of sunrises.  Click HERE to visit their site.  And you can click on this to see my now 7 year old son paddle us along while I film standing behind him.

2.  Mercury Race Wheels Specifically the M9 ($2400).  Deep dish wheels are fast and new aero studies are proving that 25mm wide rims are both stronger and more aerodynamic in both straight ahead riding and cross winds.  I ride a set of 85 mm Mercury Rims with a Power Tap hub all the time.  These are bulletproof.   Oh and the owner of Mercury, Chris Mogridge is a fine upstanding gentleman.

3.  A membership to a beer of the month club (starts @ 36.95 per month)-Here's one right HERE!  Few things are more intertwined than beer and endurance athletics.  I like beer, and the thought of having beer delivered to my house is almost as awesome as THIS.  My work here is done.

4.  Garmin 910xt-($350-$400)-Garmin is the Apple of performance sport watches in my opinion.  The damn thing is so intuitive that a history degree holding triathlete can figure it out in like 2 mins.  Plus I have seen 3 people jump in the pool with the non waterproof versions of this watch before and come up $350 poorer three seconds later.  Consider the waterproofing, tri-guy stupidity insurance.  I would go on about all the features on this bad boy, but you are a grown up.  Click right HERE and get the skinny

5. Father's are mostly old.  Old endurance guys are all crooked and stove up.  First go to Trigger Point Therapy and at the least, buy your old guy a GRID.  This thing is the bomb and has kept me knot free when I have the good sense to use it daily.  It is also good for a 7 year old to train on for log rolling and inevitable falls during said training.  There rest of their trigger point kits are awesome as well and will keep your man from looking like a bent over 90 year old (unless he's 90 then it's likely too late.)

6. BETABRAND  This is one of my top 10 sites on the web.  Seriously.  Disco ball pants-I own em.  Vagisoft blankets (that's serious softness).  Drinking and Smoking Jackets, bike to work pants and my new favorite SOCK INSURANCE!!  This team is so freaking creative and fun, and their products are awesome too.  Go for 5 mins, turn around and an hour has passed.  It truly is awesomeness.

7. Rudy Project Wingspan Aero Helmet-aero helmets go fast.  Faster than non aero helmets.  I currently ride with a Specialized and it is truly awesome, but if I am being honest, I want one of these neon green bad boys as well.  HERE is a great review from a guy in Chicago.  That's in Illinois for all you rednecks.

8.  Steak- Protein aids in making you a better athlete.  Steak tastes awesome.  If you are in Baton Rouge, you can get a great steak at Sullivan's and support my boy Leo Verde.  While I have not been paid to endorse any product listed so far, I am emailing Leo a link to this blog post exactly 8 seconds after I publish it in order to ensure I get free steak.

So that's what I've got for you.   I could go on and on and on, but this should keep you busy for a while.  I'll save some for my first annual "Buy Pat Fellows Something on this List" post for my approaching birthday.

Remember-before you go straight to the online world of shopping (Besides Betabrand) check out a local run/bike specialty or outdoor store for the above items.  You'll be doing a good thing.Hugs to the haters!



Whisper to a Scream-