
Patrick Fellows is a 5 time Ironman, TEDx giving, 32 miles swimming, endurance coaching, healthy cooking, entrepreneur and musician.  Born in Dearborn, MI, raised in Mississippi and a Louisianian for 30 years, 

DAY 10:  I'll likely bust a hip…

DAY 10: I'll likely bust a hip…


Couple things prior to jumping into todays post.1.  Thank you to all of you who are reading this and sharing with friends.  It really appreciate it. 2.  It's been said that if you can make just one person better with your ideas, then you have been successful.  I agree with this wholeheartedly.  I have had quite a few of you reach out to thank me for a post, or just to say you are reading and it is inspiring or motivating you.  I am grateful for this.

Okay, enough of the mushy stuff.  Let's get to the nitty gritty.

I've never been one for "bucket lists" of things to complete before I'm a certain age.  For whatever reason, whenever I start one of these, I end up never going back to look at it.  THIS ENDS TODAY!  I am putting this up to live eternally on the interwebses, so now you can all hold me accountable.  Over my last few runs, I've thought a lot about things I want to "do someday".  Well enough pussyfooting around.  If I'm going to tell you to talk less and do more, then I am going to have to practice what I preach.  Also, in the spirit of setting goals that are lofty, I have stretched myself.

Without further adieu, here is my 2014 list of things I'd like to do.

1.  Learn to drop into the pool at the skatepark…on a skateboard, and not bust a hip.  I'll likely need to learn how to skate again, as I haven't since I was a kid, but whatever.  I'm in.  This way I can skate with my son. 2.  Qualify for 70.3 World Championships.  My mom qualified for Mt. Tremblant 70.3 World Championships.  I'm going to have to bust ass to get close, but I'm going for it. 3.  Falconry-Someone endorsed me for Falconry on Linkedin…this is the best thing that has ever happened to me on linkedin so I am going to see about finding someone who falcons, and go out and get that bad boy to land on me.  I will document this with video and such. 4.  Sub-11:00 at IM Chatanooga 5.  My next 27 day blog challenge-Learn the piano. 6.  Play a live show or two this year. 7.  Surf-I am going to Costa Rica this Saturday so this may happen sooner than later. 8.  If moved by something, get another tattoo…I'll tell you the story of my first one this week. 9.  Teach my daughter more guitar. 10.  Do whatever my wife says.  (I'm testing to see if she actually reads this and am not going to do everything.)

This is where I am so far.  I will probably add to this but I figure this should keep me pretty busy until April.

Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments below.  I will choose one of these and add it to the list…and NO TO BASE JUMPING!


DAY 11:  Sure you are authentic, but you suck.

DAY 11: Sure you are authentic, but you suck.

DAY 9: The almost top 13 things of 2013 that happened to me or things I liked in 2013

DAY 9: The almost top 13 things of 2013 that happened to me or things I liked in 2013