
Patrick Fellows is a 5 time Ironman, TEDx giving, 32 miles swimming, endurance coaching, healthy cooking, entrepreneur and musician.  Born in Dearborn, MI, raised in Mississippi and a Louisianian for 30 years, 

I am not an expert

I am not an expert

882355_10151517152679686_545413620_oI have a problem.  I am not an expert.  I don't have a phd (except in keeping it real).  As someone who likes to write, and who wants to write more, possibly get paid for doing said writing and the like, being an expert is supposed to be my ticket. But I'm not going to create expert-ism for the sake of branding.  It feels like what kissing your sister must be like, and I'm having none of it.

I'm not a chef, a nutritionist, kinesiologist, restauranteur, or race director extraordinaire either.  I'm a doer, and a problem solver, and I have a knack for being slightly above average at a lot of things.  But I am not an expert.

I do my best to common sense things to the point of nauseum.  The folks I coach have said things like "You have no empathy."  "You are cold."  "People are afraid of you."  These things make me think that I should maybe tone down my comeback for "I don't want to run today" which is 9 times out of 10- "Could be worse, you could have no legs."

Joking aside, I have read too many articles and seen bylines for too many books that tout the establishing yourself as an expert motif as the thing to do.  I had a "coach" of sorts say I should get people to pay to train with me while doing my own workouts (really!??!?).  It just seems fake, and disingenuous.

I've been told many times that I need to get paid for much of what I do for others, but sometimes that just doesn't seem right.  My thought has always been to do what you can for others and in turn they will support you and your brands (go buy more salads people!).

I sent the beginnings of this post to my marketing partner in crime, Jennifer.  She pointed out that one of the things I do well is connect people, things, big ideas and the like together.  That I set things in motion.

If I could simplify what I do to a statement-"Setting things into motion," would be pretty close to what I think I do.  I may or may not give enough thought to how these things will play out down the road.  But I'll set the mofo's in motion.  No one needs to be an expert to do that.

In the spirit of lists and takeaways, here are three things I feel you should do instead of spending the time touting yourself as an expert.  At least these 4 things won't make you feel like you are a sham or sister kissing dirty.

1.  Work hard doing things that others say need to be done, but that they never do.

2.  Say what you want to do and why you want to do these things, and for the love of all that is good, GO DO THEM.  DOERS > SAYERS.

3.  Lift up the others around you.  Employees, co-workers, friends, enemies, and anyone else you can.  I may be construed as pragmatic and blunt, but I do my best to have as many backs as I can.

4.  Be unapologetically awesome at anything you can, but be quick to say you are wrong if your awesomeness goes off the rails.  Have strong, fact or experienced based opinions and share them, but be humble enough to admit if one of said opinions were wrong.  Adjust accordingly and BE MORE AWESOME.





Whatever I fear the most...

Whatever I fear the most...

An Island of awesome...

An Island of awesome...