Photo credit Jason Jeffirs
I wasn’t pressing this morning. A Monday. A hurricane. The want to just soak in some “awake but kinda asleep.” I checked the path of the coming hurricane(s) did a perfunctory scan of the news/sports and opened Instagram. Then I read one of my last posts. Just like you do.
I took it in and considered if I could learn if there was a lesson. I concluded yes. I liked my own post. I poured some more coffee and opened this.
I’m reminded of that strange shot of a TV showing that TV inside another and another and another. Like a crazed house of mirrors it goes on infinitely. So does the redundancy of my writing sometimes.
I’m no charlatan or wannabe Tony Robbins hawking a coaching program that will give you the 5 steps to a successful life. I’m more of a “reminder”. Retelling you over and over that most everything we want is possible through honesty, sacrifice, hard work and finally, most importantly, belief.
A friend recently sent me a message out of thin air. She described her first encounter with me some 8-10 years ago (I think, a while ago for sure). It caught me off guard and made me feel sheepish. Opposite of her perception of me. The biggest takeaway I got was her perception of how I entered a situation. It made me consider if I planned how I wanted to be perceived upon entering a room. As someone supremely confident, but approachable, owning it. I apparently had, but I can’t fathom planning that. I in fact searched my brain for the last moment when I considered being nervous entering a situation. It was 1995. In Austin, TX, entering a party one night. Hyper aware of everything. Talking nervously. Wanting to just leave. I’m sure I’ve had tons of times since but that instance immediately stuck out. Somewhere along the line I developed belief. And belief in yourself gets you a long way.
I tend to over believe. I think things are possible without fully considering what it takes to get there and that can cause friction. But once you believe you can that part of the equation gets out of the way and the real work can be done. Sometimes that work is hard and we all falter in it. But settling back that it can happen is powerful.
If I could give you anything, this morning I think I’d give you that. The power of BELIEF.
Belief that you can.
Belief that you’re enough.
Belief that anything is possible.
Belief that it’s going to be alright.
It almost always is.