This kid gets it.
If I didn’t tell you on the social medias (or here) did it even happen? I got my second dose of the COVID vaccine on Wednesday (today’s Friday future people) and started to feel run down by that evening. I ended up sleeping poorly and had fever all night and most of the next day. Included in this was an extra 8 hours of sleep on Thursday. Solid work. From Wednesday night until Friday morning I got about 20 hours and awoke this morning ready to take on the world. Or at least the inhabitants of my house. “Start somewhere,” they say.
As this concludes my humble brag about sleep AND my attention drawing to me doing my part to #stopthespread, we can all get on with things, some of us without masks now that we are herdimmunitysuperpeople <<<< that’sme. Not you mouth breathers who are still worried about Bill Gates’ chips.
ANNNYYWHOOO, all of this had me thinking about things while I struggled to stay awake yesterday. I jotted down a note for today to may be write about. Simple and to the point “We all need a sick day.”
Yesterday, I thought to myself, “Self, today is a good day to catch up on things.” Sick days are not good for this. I attempted one project and almost paid double for an item I’ve ordered 1000’s of. Just didn’t notice. As a noticer, this surprised even me. I put everything on hold and went back to sleep.
I do think that you should shut it down completely on sick days. No thinking, barely any watching of tv. Just sleep. This is my Dr. Oz moment. Unsolicited medical advice from a non medical person. You are welcome.
We should build these types of days into our regular living though. Maybe once every couple of months. One day, do nothing. Accomplish nothing. Rest. Maybe read if you aren’t actually sick. I know some people’s weekends work that way and that’s really great. I tend to work weekends and weeks so this full stop was welcomed. I fought getting things done for about half the day and then finally said, nope.
I gave up at around 3:00 and was in and out of coherence until 7 when I awoke diagonally across the bed like I had fallen over mid thought. While I know a lot of it was directly related to feeling badly, maybe I actually needed the rest. How much better would life be if we worked in a day of rest to catch up on sleep once every month? Regret free. That’s the thing right? It almost takes us being sick to not feel guilty.
This is shameful. We (me) try so hard to eek out “success” and “living” out of every waking moment that we feel guilty when we try and rest and recover. Or maybe just some of us do.
Anyhow, since all our state and national governments are in session, maybe they could work in some sort of mandated rest days every 2 months? Third Monday of every other month, we get a National Napping Days. That’s 4 days a year. A fuckton more useful than President’s Day and Columbus Day.